Wednesday, January 4, 2012

by Diane Jardel

Spittle falls
Mother, you screamed
And raged
And spit fell
From your lips
I cowered before you
And afraid
I could not run.
One day 
you might 
 my fragile stability
by some miracle.
And I would love you.


BIO: DIANE JARDEL - a published author of poems and stories; a vegan gourmet and  I love to capture the wonder of nature on camera.  I am also a writing group addict.
My poem 'The Mirror' is published in 'The Poetic Bond' by Trevor Maynard
I was featured poet of the month for December on
I started Fermanagh Creative Writing Group here in Enniskillen and registered it as an educational charity.
I post my stories and poems regularly on Stories Space.

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